PsykosyntesForum has a publishing branch.
Books that we have published ourselves have been gathered on this page.
(Other books: go to the Webshop.)
If you click on a book cover you will be linked to a more extensive product page, where you will be able to buy and download the book as an e-book.
There is also a link to Amazon, where you can get the book as a paperback or as a Kindle e-book.

Lars Gimstedt |
Lars Gimstedt works as a Psychosynthesis Therapist and Life Coach since 1992. He has a background as a quantum physicist and has also worked in corporate business for 30 years. |
A Course
To Miracles
This book is a joint venture and is a collection of short stories from different "students of A Course in Miracles". |
Conscious Vision
Train Conscious Vision - and become more Consciously Present. |
Eating Script
Reprogram your sub-conscious mind, so that your body automatically tells you how to eat well. |
ETT - Eliminate
Time Thieves.
Lower your stress level by working more efficiently - develop your personal planning skills. |
Fairy Tale Therapy
Your child´s development can be enhanced by listening to and/or reading genuine old fairy tales. |
I, Yeshua.
The gospel Jesus himself, the real person, could have written. |
Jesus on
Catching the Bull.
A dialogue with Jesus around an ancient set of images called "The Bull and His Herdsman" originating from old zen masters. |
Jesus on
Elevated Form.
Dialogue nr 2 with Jesus.
On how to manifest one's True Self in the physical reality. |
Jesus on Christ-Consciousness
Dialogue nr 3 with Jesus.
An exploration of what cannot be described, but which can be experienced - The Second Coming of Christ. |

Stairway: 10 steps
to Heaven.
John Zacharias, the typical engineer, became more and more provoked by his wife’s interest in A Course of Miracles, which he regarded as anti-scientific brainwashing. |
You Can Spell
Dyslexia has in many cases been shown to be caused by a subconsciously learnt behavior, where the memory is accessed in a neurologically inefficient way. |

Kristina Post |
Kristina Post works as a teacher in maths and music in the town of Motala, Sweden, as well as being leader of choirs and being a local politician. She regards herself a creative lunatic, who rather sees possibilities than problems, regarding problems as challenges, and she harbors an unshakable faith in love as something that in the long run always will conquer evil. A trusting relationship with God is her source of energy in life.
Kristina has published one book, Don't Play with Death. It is the first in the series Touched by God and Monsters.
As an interlude in waiting for part 2 - Risk Life Once More - now comes a booklet for study in groups or for one's own contemplation: A Reflection on Freedom.
Click on the images below to read more about these books! |
Part 1 of the trilogy Touched by God and Monsters.
Don't Play With Death
Zacharias Corell, head of a vampire family, reflects on God. His adopted childrens' teacher Johanna decides to become a friend of the vampires, and unwittingly also becomes their spiritual guide.
A play with death? |
A Reflection on Freedom

What is freedom, actually? Is it doing whatever you want to do? Even at the expense of others?
No, this cannot be freedom; you wouldn’t do well by this. And God – what does He think about freedom? God’s freedom? Can the freedom of God be something else than our freedom? Welcome to a small reflection on freedom! |
What we know about God
In this booklet Kristina invites to reflection and discussion about God and about beliefs and faith. |