On this level one is approaching what Psychosynthesis calls one's Self with a capital S, in contrast to one self with a small s, which more denotes one's basic personality.
The Self was depicted by the founder of Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli, as the star at the top of the image here to the left, where the egg form denotes the entire psyche. The Self is a part of the Higher Subconscious (the upmost third part), but it also reaches outwards, into the Collective Subconscious realm, and into the Spiritual Realm.
(Read more about this: The Self.) |
This level is also about Meaning. About the sense of meaning you long for your life to have. What you want with your life can be formulated as a Mission you assign to yourself.
We do not believe that one can find one's Self-Mission outside of oneself, or that somebody else apart from oneself knows anything about it. We believe that the innermost part of us, The Self, knows what our deepest purpose is.
The term Self-Mission implies that you in a conscious way formulate the Mission you want to assign to yourself in order to reach your life goals, in order to find your Path.
"The Mission Statement" works best when it answers the following three questions:
1) What is the goal?
2) How shall it be reached?
3) For whom is it to be done, what is the purpose?
A clear, well formed and communicated Mission Statement will make you feel meaningfulness, expectancy and determination.
With a clear personal Mission you will be able to prioritize among the tasks and assignments others ask you to do, or those that you are expected to perform. If these are not in line with your own Mission, you just say NO in a friendly but determined way.
Even something "fuzzy" like the Meaning of Life demands an action plan
You may need to work on this level if
- You don’t know and you haven’t reflected on your life goals,
you live life as it comes and try to adjust.
- You dream of things you want to achieve, but it remains longing and daydreaming and in reality you do nothing to come there.
- You can sometimes feel that you want to follow your heart, but then you think ”the road to hell is paved with good intensions…”
- You remember everything you have tried to do but failed with, and when you think ahead you see only difficulties and obstacles.
Life Coaching is mostly about finding one's Path, and on this level the coach can choose to go into the role of the Awakener. When psychotherapy is in the form of Existential Therapy, Meaning and choice of personal Path is also in focus.
Among our online tools there is one e-course that in an expressed way focuses on your Mission, plus a couple of other tools that can support you in your search for your own Path (in alphabetical order):
- My Mission. This is a rather large and multi-faceted e-course, which also is the course material for a group course with the same name.
In My Mission you are led in ten distinct steps through a process for making you aware of your innermost dreams , developing your beliefs and your self-image, formulating your Life Goals, concretizing an action plan and integrating everything both in your conscious and in your subconscious mind.
- Visualizations:
Space. Getting perspective on one's life.
The Church. Preparing one's Path.
The Cocoon. Activating inner transformation.
The Encounter. Meeting your self.
The Road. Exploring Now, Yesterday, Tomorrow.
The Water Lily.
Supporting inner growth.
For the person that has a spiritual search as part of his or her Path, Psychosynthesis is well suited as it is a "Transpersonal Psychology" ("transpersonal"= beyond the personality). Psychosynthesis has methods and tools for the spiritual dimension of being a human being, both in supporting spiritual growth and in handling spiritual crisis.
This does not imply that Psychosynthesis is connected to any specific religion, even if the individual coach or therapist may have a specific religious preference.
We support a spiritual search independent of which "language" one uses to describe one's spiritual experiences.
(For those who have a specific interest in the spiritual message expressed by the book A Course in Miracles, we have a course / e-course A Psychosynthesis Perspective on ACIM.)
- You are totally clear about your life goals, and you create your life in a conscious way so that you feel that you am on your way there.
- You know what you want to achieve both short and long term, and you plan in concrete ways, breaking tasks down into achievable parts.
- You feel strongly that each person’s life has a meaning, and that each one that seeks will find one’s own Mission.
- You focus on the goals you have put up for yourself, and on the inner and outer resources that will help you to come there.