The PACE model for Change Management
The Change Manager (who can be the boss but need not be that person)
is responsible for leading the change process in a structured way, and to make everyone involved aware of which phase of the change process that is going on at the moment, and to complete the work in this phase before continuing to the next.
1) Propose
In this phase proposals are brought forward. These can come from the management and/or from co-workers. Brainstorming, investigations, consequence analysis, risk assessment and management, etc.
Important that it is very clear that no decisions have as yet been made.
2) Anchor
In this phase the Change Manager "anchors" one final proposal for the change. Everyone is encouraged to express their opinion about it, even if they do not like it. But, from each and every one involved, the Change Manager requests a clear and unequivocal commitment to accept the proposal and to co-operate in the coming change process, even if one dislikes the proposal or has objections.
When the anchoring process is completed, a decision is made for the implementation of the proposal of change.
3) Change
In this phase the change is implemented. Based on the analysis work done in phase 1, and taking into account new facts and objections from phase 2, one here produces a time schedule, resource allocation, key measurement factors and measurement methods, change program organization.
The change is implemented and the implementation process is followed up.
When the criteria defined for completed implementation are met, this phase is finalized, and an "ordinary" work phase starts again.
4) Evaluate
This fourth phase in a change process shall have been planned in connection with anchoring and decision making. This phase shall start after a reasonable period of "shaking systems down" and experiencing the every-day results of the change. In this phase the results an evaluation is made of the results of the change, compared to the results expected in the proposal. If the ambitions have not been met, or if unforeseen consequences have occurred, a new change program is now defined. This may though be a smaller program, focused on "finishing up" and optimizing.
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