On this page you can send a message and pay
PsykosyntesForum for something you have received,
like therapy- or coaching session(s),
or for a specially designed product you wish to order.
Your payment is transferred by the secure pay site
PayPal, where you either can pay directly
with your credit card or create an account of your own
for quick and easy payment.
Note! This payment function shall only be used for services and for special-design products. For all standard products, use the payment buttons in the product descriptions. |
Describe what the payment is for in the text box. Examples:
"Payment for coaching during August 09, John Smith."
"Order The Boat on CD. August 25/09, John Smith."
If your message needs more than 60 characters, you will be able to
enter additional information in a text box in PayPal's payment page.
Here there will be enough space for many lines of text, where you can enter
details about yout purchase, delivery address, etc.
If something would be missing in you information, PayPal will still always provide
with your e-mail address,
making it possible for us
to email you
requesting additional information that we
might need.
Note: When you arrive at the payment page, you shall first enter Unit Price in Euro and Quantity, and then click on Update Sum. (Currency Converter.) |