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Section 1
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Note: This is a sample of the course: three pages + one audio file
out of a total of 67 pages + 18 audio files + pdf versions.

Welcome to the  e-course

Välkommen !

The nice image here to the left may look like somebody greeting and welcoming you.
But, for a stutterer, a situation like this can be extremely negative: you open the door, a beautiful woman walks up to you, greets you and asks you to feel welcome.
And you are not able to utter a single word … and the man in the background jokes, in his mind in a friendly way, how her beauty is stunning …

In the name of this course I use the term ”stuttering”. I do this because it is the term most often used for this phenomenon. But, strictly speaking, speech block is a more appropriate term, as it describes the main problem in speech dysfunctions of stuttering type. Stumbling on a word, hesitating or repeating a word does seldom feel awkward in itself, it is something people do, also non-stutterers.
But, suddenly not being able to say what one wants to say, feels for most of us very embarrassing. It can even feel painful, it attracts negative attention, maybe even ridicule, one feels that one is taking up other peoples’ time, one is a nuisance, etc …

The course has a number of different sections, which the first time you take the course are best studied in the order they are presented, but which can be studied in an arbitrary order when you later repeat the course. You can also go back to only those sections you feel would be most beneficial for you to practice again.

You can get personal coaching through on-line video coachning.

SECTIONS / Audio files:

1)    WELCOME (this section)

               Track 1: PsF_New_PPP.mp3, 2 min



               Track 2: PsF_Breathing.mp3, 11 min


               Track 3: PsF_Stop_Vortex.mp3, 11 min

               Track 4: PsF_New_Record.mp3, 90 sec

               Track 5: PsF_Inner_States.mp3, 17 min



               Track 6: PsF_Repair_The_Past.mp3, 33 min


               Track 7:   PsF_Ideal_Acting.mp3, 6 min
               Track 8:  
PsF_Ideal_Abilities.mp3, 2 min
               Track 9:  
PsF_Ideal_Beliefs.mp3, 1,5 min
               Track 10:
PsF_Ideal_Selfimage.mp3, 1,5 min
               Track 11:
PsF_Ideal_Meaning.mp3, 3 min
               Track 12:
PsF_Ideal_Integration.mp3, 3,5 min
               Track 13:
PsF_Ideal_Signals.mp3, 4 min
               Track 14:
PsF_Ideal_Lateralizing.mp3, 11 min
               Track 15:
PsF_Ideal_FT_Programming.mp3, 23 min


               Track 16: PsF_New_Strategy.mp3, 4,5 min
               Track 17:
PsF_Eliminate_Anxiety.mp3, 3 min


               Track 18: PsF_Reprogram.mp3, 39 min

Stuttering is in most cases caused by underlying neurological factors, but can be greatly amplified by psychological factors, where we stutterers in certain specific situations end up in a learnt and conditioned inner state characterized by nervousness, “mind reading” (of others’ assumed attitude), psychological tension and a resulting muscular spasm condition.

As there are, almost always for most of us, other types of situations, and with these corresponding psychological inner states, where we are able to speak effortlessly and fluently, speech blocking is therefore not only a physiological problem - it is in a large degree a psychological one. Despite the fact that the speech blocking often is experienced as a “real” muscular disturbance without obvious external cause, it can be a symptom of psychological blocking. Purely symptomatic treatment, for example speech training, can therefore be rather ineffective, and may furthermore have the drawback of reinforcing our negative self-image as chronic stutterers.

In the above text, I have been using the word we. The reason for this is that I have been a stutterer myself, or more correctly, I frequently got stuck in speech blocking during a long period of my life, from 6 up to 18 years of age.
I still in some situations can feel the blocking mechanism becoming active, but I have learnt to quickly put myself in an inner state where I have full access to my ability to speak fluently.

Främmande miljö

I found my fluency when I as an 18-year-old lived by myself in the US during one year, as a scholarship university student.
I was very nervous before leaving Sweden for USA, due to my severe stuttering problem, but to my surprise I discovered that the problem had disappeared when I arrived - and I realized that I had always stuttered only when speaking Swedish, never in English!

English happened to be the language I had been using most of my childhood - I lived abroad from infancy up to ten and attended an American school, and I only stuttered together with my parents, and then of course in Swedish. To come back to a situation where I spoke only English, during a whole year at 18, became a “therapy” that constituted a re-conditioning, a re-programming, of my speech, which after this worked for Swedish as well. This is now more than forty years ago…

When I five years ago got a client who had a severe stutter problem, I began to reflect on the transformation of my own speech abilities. In my work with NLP
(Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Neurosemantics I had in other types of client cases through the years been using numerous methods that had had the same type of effect, an inner re-conditioning.
I started to use these methods on clients with stuttering, with increasing success.
I have during a period of five years developed a treatment program, which I now present here as a self-study course.

This e-course can of course not be as efficient as an individually designed therapeutic treatment, but I hope that the e-course never the less will help you to find your ability for fluent speech, and that you will learn to have access to your ability to speak fluently in more and more situations.

Instructions for how to study this course:

Many things in this course will probably give you new insights about your stutter.
But regretfully I must declare, that even if insights are positive, as they often lead
to awareness and positive motivation,
insights in themselves do not lead to changes in your behavior.

Positive change of conditioned behavior will only happen after goal-oriented
daily training during a period of time of three to six weeks.

  • Spend sufficient time with each of the sections. Train the methods in a section during several days before continuing with the next section.

  • Train on a regular basis, by repeating the methods and exercises in all the sections you have covered, preferably each day.
    Continue doing this for at least six weeks.

  • Train the methods together with persons you know and feel secure with, persons that can give you clear and constructive positive and negative feed-back.

  • Consider recording yourself on video or sound recording, in order to create your own concrete feed-back of how your speech techniques and abilities are developing.

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